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Friday, July 31, 2009

British Airways Stops Short-haul Meals

LONDON: British Airways indicates that it will cease its in flight service of meal for the passengers shorts-haul of economy in order to try to save the air line charged by debt 22 million books ($NZ5 million). The analysts say that BA is most vulnerable among important European air lines to a reduction prolonged in industry and, in spite of a mobilization of funds near-$1 billion; it fights to reduce costs.
BA indicated that it reinforced the sandwich or the full meal was useful over flights shorts-haul of less than two and half-hours, but would continue to serve the eulogistic snacks and drinks.
The passengers will not be able to buy food on board, a system employed by air lines of budget.
The air line indicated that the customers always differentiated it from the carriers of budget.
The air line, which employs approximately 40.000 people, indicated on certain routes that the service of meal had approximately 30 percent of wasting.

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